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Client Spotlight: Overcoming Persistent Shoulder Pain

Our client arrived at Therapy Fix Clinic with persistent pain and discomfort in his left shoulder.

He had a history of a significant shoulder dislocation 10 years ago, followed by multiple dislocations over the years. The pain was exacerbated by his work, gym sessions, and mixed martial arts activities.

Our Approach: To address his ongoing shoulder issues, we implemented a targeted rehabilitation program, including:

  • Lat Pull Downs: Strengthened the upper back and shoulders to support the shoulder joint.

  • Power Push Ups: Improved shoulder stability and overall upper body strength.

  • TRX Face Pulls: Focused on the posterior deltoids and upper back muscles for better shoulder support.

  • Dumbbell One-Arm Lateral Raise: Isolated the shoulder muscles to enhance strength and control.

  • Banded Pull-Aparts: Activated the scapular muscles to improve shoulder blade movement and stability.

  • External Rotation Press Rehab: Targeted the rotator cuff muscles to enhance external rotation strength and shoulder stability.

Outcome: Through consistent application of this tailored rehab program, our client experienced a significant reduction in pain and discomfort. He regained strength and stability in his shoulder, allowing him to return to his daily activities, gym workouts, and mixed martial arts with confidence and improved performance.


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